Not all email signature managers are created equal, and even if you think you’re getting what you paid for, you might be missing out on these amazing features that give your company the ROI it needs.
Many companies invest in email signature software and think, “Great! It does email signatures. Job done.” However, the email signature industry is quite broader than that, and your business would likely get a significant amount more out of a similar level of investment just by switching providers.
So, it’s time to ask yourself a question…
Does your email signature manager have these advanced features?
1. Rotational banners
Despite what you might think from the name, rotational banners aren’t banners that literally rotate. It’s a feature that allows you to schedule more than one campaign banner to run on rotation at the same time.
For example, within Rocketseed email signature management software, you can upload multiple banners per campaign. Our recommendation is up to three banners on rotation as most email trails are 3 – 5.
2. Advanced banner targeting
Good marketing delivers the right message in the right place at the right time to the right audience. If your email signature software lacks this type of targeting functionality, it means your campaigns will always be a bit of an inefficient scattershot.
Utilising advanced banner targeting, though, you can assign banner campaigns to specific senders, individuals or a broader target audience, ensuring the right people see the right message, and the wrong people don’t.
3. Multiple banner campaigns
Inefficiency is another common problem with basic email signature software. It can’t create multiple campaigns at one time. This can be a pretty frustrating issue in the modern marketing world, where typically you’ll have multiple campaigns running simultaneously.
Ensure your emails sync with your wider digital marketing efforts by finding software that can handle more than one concurrent campaign, each targeted to its own unique audience.
4. Multiple banner links
Clickable banners are essential for achieving campaign results. If you’ve got a call to action in your email banners but the recipient can’t click through to the promotion, chances are you’ve lost that customer. Most people won’t go out of their way to find a landing page.
We know clickable images in an email are not anything new – but can your current email banner provider host multiple clickable links within a single banner?
With an image mapping function, you could add quite a few different links in the same banner. For example, social media icons alongside a primary CTA, different CTAs for different product promos in a sale, or customer feedback options for a quick survey.
5. Custom date banner scheduling
You don’t have to worry about forgetting to update all of your different email banner changes. With Rocketseed email signature manager, you can utilise custom date scheduling.
While a simple feature found in most other marketing platforms, custom scheduling isn’t always available in email signature software managers. So, keep an eye out for this advanced feature so you can automate your live banner start and end dates and guarantee they’ll run on time.
6. Read notifications
How many emails have you ever sent, only to fret that the recipient never even read it?
Read alerts are a solution to that problem. Switch on this feature and the system will notify you when a recipient has received and read an email of yours. No more worrying!
7. Click notifications
Imagine knowing not just what someone had clicked on within your emails but exactly when they clicked. This kind of knowledge could be a game changer for your sales team.
So, how might you use real-time click alerts? Let’s go back to our earlier example of using an email banner as a short feedback survey. A recipient could click on the ‘Not Satisfied’ button and you would see this instantly. If desired, your team could respond straight away to find out what went wrong.
8. Comprehensive in-built reporting
Analytics data is like gold for marketers. Good data makes the difference between evidence-based decision-making and optimisation, and total guesswork. So, don’t let your emails be the only marketing material you can’t get good data from.
With comprehensive built-in reporting from email signature managers like Rocketseed, you’ll be able to track every recipient’s engagement with your content – and measure success as a result. Plus, you can integrate these reports with Salesforce and other CRM systems to keep your data in one convenient place.
9. Dedicated account manager
This isn’t so much a feature of the software, but the software provider. Does your subscription to or purchase of an email signature manager come with dedicated support?
An account manager can ensure that you get set up correctly and that everything works as it should. They can provide training to your people and help you find technical support in the event of a problem. Basically, a dedicated account manager is critical to maximising your investment.
“Here at Parrot Digital, our dedicated account management support is something we’re immensely proud of.”
We cover all of the above, plus we can help with conceptualising, designing and implementing your email signatures and banners, and offer a 24-hour helpline for all emergencies.
Missing out? Time to switch
There’s a reason that we choose Rocketseed as our product of choice. It’s the best email signature software on the market for Australian and New Zealand businesses, capable of providing all of the features we’ve mentioned today and more.
No matter your email client – Exchange, Google Workspace, Office 365 – we can help you. Check out our pricing page here, or book a demo to find out more about how Rocketseed could supercharge your email communications.