What marketing strategies are you working on for 2022?
Take control of one of your key communication channels this year by turning all employees’ outbound emails into an effective marketing channel. How? By using dynamic email signature banners, you can vastly extend the reach of your message.
We’ve come up with 22 email signature banners ideas that drive results.
First, the three elements of a great email banner
1. Design
There are two key elements to creating an effective banner. On-brand graphic design and on-point targeted copy. The quicker someone can absorb your message, the better.
But how do you know your banner design is working, and whether or not certain fonts, images, or layouts would be better? Using email marketing banner software (for example, Rocketseed) you could implement A/B testing to compare variations to see which gets more traction.
2. Compatibility
These days, emails can be accessed everywhere. Desktop, tablet, mobile phone – it’s a wonder people’s smart fridges aren’t answering their emails too!
For an email banner, this means that the size and shape must be able to automatically adjust to suit the device and email client. This could be an arduous process if done manually (i.e. pasting a JPG file into each sender’s email client), but it is made a lot easier with email signature banner software that does the work automatically.
3. Call to Action
A banner’s call to action must be engaging so that the email recipient is compelled to click to find out more about the content you are sharing.
Calls to action can be as simple as ‘Learn More’ or ‘Find Out More’, but there are lots of ways to utilise catchy phrasing to encourage a click-through. Our examples below will show you a few different options!
22 email banner examples to build your brand
So you’re looking at creating some email banners for your company and extending the reach of your marketing message. What kind of banners should your company use?
Here are 22 email banner ideas that:
- Build brand image and awareness
- Promote your products and services
- Drive sales and maximise customer value
- Strengthen customer relationships and your reputation
- Engage and motivate your staff
If you’re ready to boost your business and build your brand for 2022, book a demo with us to see how an email signature banner software works, implementing the changes company-wide efficiently with just a few clicks.
1. The Brand Image Builder
Whatever your brand identity is, an email banner can bring that to life.
How it works: A Brand Image Builder banner highlights to your customers the products and services you provide. Like all brand awareness activities, it keeps your message and mission top of a customer’s mind without pushing a specific marketing message.
How to use it: Simply pick the best image that represents your company, add your two-liner tagline and a ‘Learn More’ call to action.
2. The Brand Positioner
Here we’re going to point out your brand’s best features – the unique selling points people won’t find anywhere else.
How it works: A Brand Positioner banner shows what’s special about your company, and pushes the message that a customer should choose your business because it’s the best solution for their needs. It hones in on one or two USPs and displays them loud and proud.
How to use it: Pick your most important USPs and add them in big, bold lettering. Your call to action could also link to a video that positions your company within the industry. Try it out!
3. The Client Testimonial
Trust is the backbone of every relationship, and you can use your email marketing banners to show that your business is one to rely on.
How it works: A Client Testimonial banner is one of your best ways to build trust. It is, essentially, social proof, showing – with evidence – that previous customers have been satisfied by your service. So, logic naturally follows that the reader would be satisfied too!
How to use it: Can you get quotes from happy customers, or do you have four- or five-star reviews on reliable review websites? Put these pride of place in your email banners, with a link to the review, testimonial or case study itself.
4. The Case Study
Speaking of case studies, a good case study goes beyond the social proof factor – it puts a real face, a real story, behind the services listed on your website so a reader can contextualise how you could serve them, too.
How it works: A Case Study banner is quite similar to a Testimonial Banner in that its objective is to connect the reader to real customers. But in this case, you can link to a written case study or a video.
How to use it: You could set up a Case Study banner with a quote from the case study itself, or by highlighting a unique result from the story itself (see example below). Then, your call to action leads through to the content so someone can learn more.
5. The New Blog Post
Content is king. Your website’s blog is a platform to offer advice, answer questions and entertain prospects (depending on your subject matter of course). This adds a huge amount of value to your website.
How it works: Blogs don’t work if they don’t get seen. But, your staff send out emails every day. So, connect one to the other! With a New Blog Post banner, you will be showing off your latest or best blog posts to each and every email recipient. You never know who it might inspire into converting to a sales lead.
How to use it: Businesses tend to show off either their latest or their best blog posts in their email banner marketing campaigns. So, find the blogs that you want to show the world, add the headline or a teaser into your banner, and link out to the post.
6. The Newsletter Sign-up
Another recommended way to build brand identity is via email marketing. If you’re building your email list, here’s your chance to try and boost that sign-up link.
How it works: Newsletter Sign-up banners encourage recipients to opt in to your mailing list. This can be a very effective way to convert customers who you already talk to via email into receiving useful insights or updates straight to their inbox.
How to use it: In one line, summarise what someone will receive by signing up for your newsletter. What do they get out of it? Then you can link out to the sign-up form.
7. The Product Launcher
If you’re releasing a new product, you need to get the word out to as many channels as possible. This is how you can use your emails to push the excitement and energy of the big launch!
How it works: Like the New Blog Post banner, the Product Launcher banner advertises the latest release in your line of products and services. It’s a short, simple message that can be sent to hundreds of customers every day by piggy-backing off your regular email conversations – a very cost-effective way of raising awareness.
How to use it: You will of course need to summarise the name and selling point of the new service in your banner. But, you can go further. Are you offering a free trial? Discounted pricing? Inviting someone to a launch event? Each of these can add more excitement to the banner, and give users more of a reason to click through.
8. The How-to Explainer
Earlier we mentioned that a blog can add value to your website. Well, with this banner example you can add the same value to each individual email.
How it works: Providing extra tips and tricks to help your customers get the most out of your products and services can increase the trust they have in your brand. With the How-to Explainer banner, you become more than just a product, but a product and an experience.
How to use it: What are some smart tips for your products/services which can be condensed into a short sentence? Think about useful reminders, things people wouldn’t know, interesting facts … the list goes on! If you can pull this fact out of a blog or video, then your call to action can take readers here via a ‘Learn More’ link.
9. The Big News
What’s happening in your business? Tell the world with this email banner example.
How it works: Like a product launch or a new blog post, the Big News banner gets the word out about updates to your business itself. Whether you’re directing people to vital information or just doing a little humble bragging to build brand authority, this is a great way to get the message out to a wide group of people very quickly.
How to use it: Have you won an award recently? Opened a new branch? Been recognised by another authority brand? Add the news headline to your email marketing banner and offer a ‘Learn More’ call to action to take someone to the news article or press release.
10. The Promos
When running a new promo, you wouldn’t hesitate to put banners up all over your store or as advertising online. So, why not your emails too?
How it works: The Promos banner puts your latest promotion front and centre within your regular email communications. Whether at the top or bottom of your emails, it lets everyone know that now is the time to buy without the need for them to see a promo in-store, or find your ad online. You’re delivering it right to their inbox.
How to use it: If your company is participating in Black Friday, 9/9, Cyber Monday or any other kind of major event/promotion, start building the hype by putting it in lights via your email marketing banners. Email banner software such as Rocketseed even have features that ensure the right banners are delivered to the right customer segments, maximising the chance of a conversion.
11. The Upcoming Events
Boost your event attendance by extending the reach of your advertising through email marketing.
How it works: The Upcoming Events banner puts pedal to the metal for event advertising. When you’ve got an upcoming seminar, webinar, conference or any other type of event, you can tell people just by emailing them normally. Plus, with Rocketseed’s segmentation that we mentioned above, you can ensure that only the right customers see this particular banner – reducing redundant advertising and upping conversions.
How to use it: The name, important details and a quick summary can all feature strongly in an email banner. But, the link makes it even more convenient. Tie your call to action to a calendar link so customers can book you in through the click of a button, or link out to the ticketing page to make it easy to secure a place.
12. The Announcements
Got a big announcement to make? You might not need a whole blog post, or even an email dedicated to the cause. Your email banners could do all the heavy lifting for you.
How it works: Whether you’re going away for the holidays, moving office, or there are key staff movements within your business, the Announcements banner will keep your customers informed of all the important happenings within your business.
How to use it: There are a few ways to use an Announcements banner, depending on the announcement. Whether you’re dressing it up for the festive season or dressing it down for a more serious notice, what remains important is getting across the key details – who, what, when and where. For example, if you are going for a long holiday, you could include an emergency contact for customers to use while you are away.
13. The A/B Tester Email Banner
A/B tests are invaluable for figuring out what iteration of a design works best. So, it’s a good thing you can A/B test your email banners too.
How it works: With the A/B Tester banner, you’re setting up two iterations of a very similar design to see which yields more of a cost-effective result.
How to use it: The goal here is to run two banners in tandem to gain data insights into their effectiveness. Ideally they would be identical except for one difference, perhaps colour, photo or copy. Thankfully, you don’t need to set them up manually so long as you’re using a central email banner management system like Rocketseed, which can publish two different banners to your audience at the same time.
14. The Quote Requester
Not every customer wants to pick up the phone to ask for a price, or to wander into your office. That’s where your website comes in handy – and your emails can point them in the right direction.
How it works: The point of the Quote Requester banner is to advertise your online quoting tool. It would ideally fit into your sales pipeline further into a nurture, where you hope customers are ready to move to the next stage of conversion.
How to use it: This banner can send people to a form that they fill out with their specific requirements, which will then tell them the quote estimate they’re after. Additionally, if you set up this banner with the right tags in Rocketseed, it can also send notifications to your team to start the sales process.
15. The Direct Seller
Why beat around the bush? Your email is an excellent direct-selling platform, and cost-effective to boot.
How it works: The Direct Seller banner is straightforward. It offers a clear sales pitch or promise, acting like a more typical paid ad – except it appears in your company emails.
How to use it: Key here is getting your sales message clear and concise, so you can make the best pitch within a small amount of copy. Then, you’ll need a clear call to action, a relevant image and you’re in business.
16. The Exclusive Deals
We know from the rest of this article that your emails are an amazing marketing platform. They give you the power to send a specific sales message directly to the people you talk to on a regular basis. So why not offer them something exclusive?
How it works: The Exclusive Deals banner gives your email recipients a deal that’s all for them – a little gift to sweeten the pot. If you make it clear that this deal is only available via your emails, you’ll add that sense of urgency to encourage the click.
How to use it: Offer irresistible benefits exclusively to email recipients. One example would be to showcase a price comparison between purchasing on the website or purchasing now via clicking the banner. Your call to action can then link to a landing page that will facilitate the purchase, and the deal.
17. The Upseller
Upselling is one of the best ways to increase revenue through existing customers – as we all know the old adage, it’s better to keep an existing customer than acquire a new one.
How it works: Throughout the course of a customer’s business, they might email your team quite a lot. These are all opportunities to use the Upseller banner, which offers an exclusive deal, sells a new service or advertises some other type of action that could lead to an upsell.
How to use it: What can you offer existing customers to encourage them to utilise more of your products or services? In the example below, we’ve assumed the customer is getting their email signatures sorted and we’ve suggested they take a look at additional features of Rocketseed to maximise their investment.
18. The Satisfaction Survey
The only way to truly improve is to get feedback, and this is how you can get it.
How it works: Through your everyday communication, try adding a Satisfaction Survey banner that links out to a feedback form. This is a cost-effective way to weave the idea of giving feedback into your regular email discussions.
How to use it: Unless you really need the data, you probably don’t require a big list of long-form questions that takes 20 minutes to fill out. Keep it simple – as simple as one click! With Rocketseed, you can set up dynamic banners with multiple clickable buttons. Check out the example below.
19. The Request a Review
As we mentioned above, feedback is essential. It helps your business improve itself, and it can also act as a piece of marketing in and of itself. That’s where reviews come in, which provide the social proof required to utilise the Testimonials banner we talked about earlier.
How it works: Are you set up on a particular review website? Use your email marketing banners as an opportunity to encourage email recipients to leave their feedback in the form of a review.
How to use it: At its most basic, the Request Review banner can be a simple design that gently points a reader towards a particular review website, to which the call to action will link. Or, you can make it a little more appealing and offer something in return for the review – like a voucher, or a free ebook.
20. The Trainer
Throughout this article, we’ve offered suggestions for email marketing banners that advertise key messages to customers. But what about your internal email marketing?
How it works: When you have new measures, new systems, new policies, you need to get the word out. That’s where the Trainer banner comes into play, putting out the relevant message or announcement to your wider staff.
How to use it: You can use a variety of the banner examples above for the Trainer. Choose whichever is most relevant to your internal message and deploy it across your company-wide emails in whatever form is appropriate – for example, HR comms or messages from team leaders.
21. The Company Culture Creator
Are you welcoming new staff? Here’s a quick way to utilise a similar tactic as the Trainer banner, but for building company culture. Internal marketing is often overlooked, but a customised email banner for your team can save you a lot of meeting time.
How it works: Through the Company Culture Creator banner, you can get new staff to adjust quickly to the policies and procedures they need to read to learn the ropes. You can also use these banners to encourage employees by announcing birthdays, promotions, new babies, and so on.
How to use it: Like the Trainer, you’ll need a message and a place to link out to. Then within a platform like Rocketseed, you can set it so that your new staff (or whichever teams you want to promote a message to) become the target recipients and your HR or leadership emails will start to contain the appropriate banner design.
22. The Staff Survey
Finally, we’re back to feedback. But on our internal comms theme, this banner is all about soliciting feedback from your own staff.
How it works: In 2021, we learned of the Great Resignation – where employees were voluntarily leaving jobs after rethinking their careers post-pandemic. This Staff Survey banner is a way to try and avoid the trend striking your workplace, by helping you learn what staff really think.
How to use it: This follows the same concept as the Satisfaction Survey banner earlier. You can either keep it simple using one-click dynamic banners or if you really need the data, you can link your call to action to an anonymous feedback survey form. Of course, if you want to encourage employees to take time out of their day to fill it out, you may choose to offer an incentive.
Keep your marketing banners on-brand with Parrot Digital
When you choose Parrot Digital, you can trust that your email marketing banners are in good hands. We’re more than just a provider of Rocketseed email signature software – through our in-house design team, we can help you each step of the way in choosing the most appropriate banner design for your campaign, and putting it together so that it looks great, gets the message across and remains 100% on brand.
Plus, with Rocketseed we can ensure every recipient sees only the banners most relevant to them, and you can track their every engagement using one-click UTM tracking codes and advanced reporting features.
Need help in navigating Rocketseed? Book a demo with the Parrot Digital team today and we’ll show you how to make the most out of your investment in 2022.