Everyday email. Everyday learning.
Because we know that our customers buy more than just a product, our experts are learning all the time – and passing on that expertise to others. Below are a few of the whitepapers that we have created to help customers and colleagues keep up with the best practices in email marketing.
Now it’s Personal
Break through the market noise with a branded banner and professional email signature on your everyday one-to-one email. Deliver the relevant information at the right time, to the right person, whilst building on your one-to-one business relationships.
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Digital Marketing – Email Branding
Imagine branding your everyday email with interactive banners and signatures that display perfectly to deliver your marketing messages. Not bulkmail, not opted-in marketing communications. Your everyday, one to one, email.
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Email Media for Hospitality
A must read for anyone in the hospitality industry that works in Sales, Marketing or CRM. Written by people who have expertise in both the email marketing industry and the hotel industry, this free ebook is designed to give you an understanding of....
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Email Media CRM ebook
A technology company recently attributed $1m in incremental revenue to their use of email media in their employee email traffic. If your company is missing out on CRM and revenue opportunities from employee email traffic then this ebook will show you how you how you can change this....
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Unlock the Hidden Potential in Employee Email Communications
Email media is an under utilised channel in most organisations; this white paper states that “92% of organizations use email as a primary channel for customer communications with sales and customer service.” But these....
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