Email disclaimers. Are you protected?

Posted on May 31, 2018 By Josh In Marketing  
We’ve had a big surprise - the number of recent Rocketseed website visitors searching for email disclaimers! It seems that suddenly the short (and sometimes not so short) small-print...
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Get ready to fall in love with email (all over again)

Posted on February 14, 2018 By Josh In Marketing  
Email was and always will be marketers’ first (digital) love, and it’s turning more heads today than ever before. It has revolutionised the way in which marketing...
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How are you doing? Find out with every email

Posted on February 12, 2018 By Josh In Marketing  
Everyone knows great customer service goes a long way. And there’s really only one way to measure your service quality – and that’s to ask, and listen to, your customers...
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Email branding alchemy for agencies: 5 golden rules

Posted on January 16, 2018 By Josh In Marketing  
In their ceaseless search for shiny new marketing channels to promote their clients, many marketing agencies are overlooking a truly ‘golden’ oldie – their clients’ everyday employee email...
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Uncover the hidden gem that has minimum input, but maximum impact

Posted on December 14, 2017 By Josh In Marketing  
Are your clients yearning for greater ROI on their marketing efforts? Your agency can offer them the ultimate solution for boosting visibility, brand awareness and converting more leads into customers...
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Can email branding really increase the ROI for your business?

Posted on November 27, 2017 By Josh In Marketing  
Think how many emails each employee in your company sends each and every day. To customers, prospects, suppliers and partners. People who already know your company and open...
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Is your everyday business email really designed to do business?

Posted on October 12, 2017 By Josh In Marketing  
As corporations become more and more aware of the importance of email signatures and email disclaimers, so they’re now also...
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Is email beauty only screen-deep?

Posted on September 4, 2017 By Josh In Marketing  
They say looks aren’t everything, but when it comes to email, it looks surprisingly like they might be. Why do I say this? Am I shallow and superficial when it comes to email signatures or think that an...
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5 ways email meets B2B marketing challenges

Posted on July 20, 2017 By Josh In Marketing  
B2B marketing has always thrown up its own set of patience-testing challenges. From reaching the right-decision makers to nurturing prospects through an often long and complex sales process...
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Microsoft Certification for Email Signatures – Big News for Us, Good News for You.

Posted on June 13, 2017 By Josh In Marketing  
We’ve got a big announcement & we’re thrilled about it. Microsoft has formally issued Rocketseed its certification for Windows Server...
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