Rees Pollock’s competitive edge

Posted on September 10, 2012 By Josh In  
Rees Pollock often competes with much larger accountancy firms and therefore needs to differentiate itself against organisations that have considerably greater marketing resources. In keeping with its innovative approach, Rees Pollock saw....
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Sarova Hotels

Posted on September 10, 2012 By Josh In  
Sarova Hotels took the opportunity to split-test their Rocketseed banners to gauge the response and ensure maximum click through rates on their banners throughout the run up to Christmas. Three different messages were tested to see how each banner would perform. As Christmas is a critical time for hotels.....
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Fulham Football Club

Posted on September 10, 2012 By Josh In  
Fulham FC uses Rocketseed to brand everyday emails and to send out a monthly broadcast email, ‘Extra Time’, to promote its many different hospitality packages to existing and prospective hospitality customers. ‘Extra Time’ is managed by Rocketeed on behalf of Fulham FC......
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Cardinal Insurance customer service

Posted on September 10, 2012 By Josh In  
Cardinal Insurance needed to implement an innovative solution that would monitor customer service levels across the organization and respond in real time. All customer facing services and support staff had a banner applied to every outbound email...
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Cape Grace Hotel increases site traffic

Posted on September 6, 2012 By Josh In  
Cape Grace implemented Rocketseed to drive traffic to the new website. Traffic to the website has increased by an average of 30% per month since implementation. The website, booking engine and Rocketseed costs were all recovered within 6 months.....
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Capella Shutters achieve a 10% average click-through rate using email banners

Posted on September 6, 2012 By Josh In  
“Working with Rocketseed gives my company great branding on every message and enables me to both target my marketing spend accurately and react expediently to......." Paul Reynolds, Capella Shutters
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British Red Cross achieves 80x more click-throughs using email banners

Posted on September 6, 2012 By Josh In  
Rocketseed drove over 80 times more click-through's per impression for British Red Cross than the equivalent web campaign. Additionally, click-through rates to key website pages were up to 4x times greater than......
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British Red Cross email branding

Posted on September 6, 2012 By Josh In  
What distinguished Rocketseed email branding from other service providers was the easy, efficient and rapid delivery of the solution, key for a large organisation such as the British Red Cross. BRC staff send hundreds of thousands of emails every year....
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Business Systems Group Branded Emails

Posted on September 6, 2012 By Josh In  
BSG first started using Rocketseed in August 2005 to get its marketing messages out in an innovative way and to communicate them consistently to customers through the company’s 180 employees. Working seamlessly with BSG’s Lotus Notes™ email platform, Rocketseed is used to promote BSG’s brand and range of services and solutions on an ongoing basis.
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Adcorp talent resourcing branded emails

Posted on September 6, 2012 By Josh In  
ATR uses Rocketseed as a public relations tool, keeping their clients informed on services, and the latest company news, with a link to the website to direct traffic. It is still a fairly new tool for ATR and is constantly being developed.......
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