Internal Marketing
Inspire and align your staff to maximize your business potential

Brands today are shaped by customer perception, and it is critical that every consumer touch point is aligned with your brand promise. One of the most important touch points for consumers are your staff, and keeping staff aligned, motivated, and invested in your brand promise is a major challenge in many organizations.
Rocketseed Internal Marketing solutions extend from simple internal announcements and document distribution, to more sophisticated campaigns that keep staff aligned, motivated, and invested in your brand promise. The platform can be fully automated, with campaigns and journeys being planned in advance and launched according to an action or a schedule.
The best thing about Rocketseed Internal Marketing is that unlike other internal media channels that can be ignored, Rocketseed Internal Branding is included in every one-to-one email inside your business, and where people may ignore a bulk email, but they will not ignore a branded email from their boss.
Rocketseed has developed one of the most efficient and cost effective methods of internal marketing on offer today. You can deliver comprehensive internal marketing to your organisation without increasing the size of your marketing team or dramatically increasing your marketing budget!