Email  Signatures

Professional email signature generator for your business

Whether you’re using Microsoft 365, Outlook, Google Workspace or Exchange, Rocketseed’s email signature generator gives you on-brand email signatures that are professional, promotional and proven to engage your email recipients.

Rocketseed’s dynamic email signatures are more than a sign-off. They are the start of a customer journey, a sales lead, a marketing campaign and more.

Create Consistent, Compliant,

Centralised Email Signatures

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    Key Features

    Centrally-Controlled Email Signatures

    Reduce IT administration and ensure brand consistency across your business at the click of a button.

    Rocketseed gives you complete control. Signatures are controlled centrally and changes can be applied instantly, enabling you to create, design, manage and control professional email signatures across your business in a few clicks.

    Our system also gives you the flexibility to give each department, region or individual in your business their own style signature should you wish, with the central control necessary to ensure brand consistency.

    Made for Marketing

    Directly engage customers and drive traffic to your website and social media, all via your signature.

    With Rocketseed your signature is much more than a branded email sign-off – it can be a key part of your marketing campaign and the start of your contacts’ customer journey.

    Our email signature manager software also lets you incorporate promotional messages for your new products, latest offers, news and awards with direct links to your online marketing content such as website landing pages and your active social media channels.

    Brand Compliance

    Ensure that your brand identity in email is secure and consistent across your business down to an individual level.

    By creating a strongly-branded signature design you’ll strengthen your corporate identity with every email you send. With Rocketseed you can embed your brand image into every business email signature so you know it will display perfectly across all email clients and devices.

    Whether you are looking for something minimal or a design with personality, our professional email signature design experts will ensure that every email is perfectly on-brand.

    Advanced Signature Creation and Personalisation

    All details and links to social media in the email signature are personalised to the individual user.

    Our signatures dynamically strip out any unused out field. e.g. if only some employees have a fax number, the number will appear for those users only.  This field stripping mechanism ensures that your beautifully designed signature is not spoiled.

    With Rocketseed’s fully customisable email signatures and banners, you’ll never have to sacrifice your brand. Not sure what to do? Our in-house experts can help create a fully on-brand design to match your needs or choose from our pre-designed templates to help you get started.

    Rocketseed uses HTML with images embedded directly into Outlook, so your signatures and banners always display perfectly to the recipient – no matter their device or email client.

    Smart Campaign Banners

    Every email is a window to your brand and a critical marketing opportunity. With Rocketseed’s easy to implement marketing campaign banners, you can make the most of every email by promoting your products, services and specials in stylish top or bottom email banners.

    Rocketseed’s banners can be fully targeted, scheduled and automated to always reach the right audience at the right time. Plus, with built-in reporting tools on clicks and engagements, you’ll always have clear visibility on how they are performing.

    Electronic Business Cards

    Share contacts the intelligent way with an electronic business card that can be imported into your contacts with a single click.

    Rocketseed supports vCard downloads in its signatures. vCard is a file format standard for electronic business cards, and is compatible with most email clients and digital address books.

    The vCard is delivered through a link in your email signature, which through a single click by the recipient, can import all of your contact details into their address book or email client.

    Trackable Document Links

    Rocketseed offers multiple easy-to-use methods for centralised document delivery and tracking, ensuring that the most up-to-date documents are delivered to the correct clients.

    The platform allows for the embedding of links to centralised documents in banners and signatures, with all of the document links being fully tracked.

    The tracking of document downloads (including time, date and recipient) is fully legally admissible as proof that a recipient has received the document.

    Impactful On Brand Email Signatures


    Email signature designs can have a big impact.

    Design can make all the difference to the success of your business email signature. With Rocketseed you can design your signature from one of our templates – no html experience required or talk to us about creating your new custom designed bespoke signature. We will make sure it is mobile compliant and also take care of the implementation for you.

    With Rocketseed, all images are directly embedded in the email signatures, your design will always display as desired across all email clients and devices.

    parrot digital email signature

    Dynamic Fields

    Automatically hide signature fields when data is unavailable.

    Many signature products don’t support the ability to hide fields in your signature if the data for that field is unavailable. This can lead to messy looking layout, or even broken signatures.

    Rocketseed’s dynamic email signatures automatically strip out any unused out field. e.g. if only some employees have a fax number, the number will appear for those users only.

    Signature Placement on Replies

    Cleaner email chains with easy-to-see contact details

    In order to reduce clutter, maintain consistency of design, and ensure that your details remain top of mind, the Rocketseed signature manager will always ensure that in any email chain, your details will always be under the most recent response and not pushed to the bottom of the email chain.

    This way, recipients will never need to scroll through long email chains in order to find your contact details.

    Compatible with all Email Software

    Rocketseed emails are tested to render correctly every time across the broadest range of email clients. We also test against combinations of email clients so that if your branded email is forwarded you can be certain it retains its correct appearance.

    Rocketseed allows you to create and manage your employee email signatures from one place. Whether you are using Microsoft 365, Google Workspace or Exchange you can manage your signatures with ease.

    Mobile -Optimised Responsive Design

    Rocketseed’s responsive design automatically adjusts the size of signatures and banners to ensure easy readability and consistent design across all major mobile platforms and devices.

    We constantly test across a range of the most popular mobile devices and platforms to ensure your signature always performs perfectly and displays as desired whether on desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone.

    User Data Management

    Rocketseed offers a variety of solutions that help you import and manage user signature details.

    Active Directory Sync (including images)

    Synchronise with Microsoft Active Directory to ensure that any changes to your employees’ contact details are automatically updated in their business email signatures.

    You can also sync group structures via Active Directory. This means that employees moving from one department to another will automatically get the signature details and format associated with the new group.

    CSV Import

    Save time by bulk uploading your entire companies email details in one go.

    Web Interface

    Edit individual signatures through our easy to use web interface.

    Sender Self Update

    Allow employees to update their own signatures in a controlled way with manager approval.

    Email Signature Security and Legal Compliance

    Secure and Tamper-Proof

    Giving you the most secure email signature management software solution is our top priority. Rocketseed Email Signature Manager meets the highest industry compliance and security standards.

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    100% tamper-proof employee Outlook 365 signatures that you control centrally.

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    TLS-encrypted mailflow, firewall-protected servers and ISO27001 certified datacentres.

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    Regular routine penetration testing and continual monitoring and software updates.

    Stand-out Service

    Parrot Digital takes the stress out of implementing and managing your company-wide email signatures and email campaign banners. Our dedicated local IT and Account Management Team are on-hand in real-time to assist you with:

    • Implementation of your new signature, including signature design and 1-2-1 online user interface training.
    • Dedicated Account Manager.
    • 24/7 customer IT emergency technical support.

    Or talk to us about our Campaign Enterprise option and let us manage your businesses email signatures for you.

    Centralise and manage company-wide email signatures with Parrot Digital