Some of our clients have used the Rocketseed channel to communicate their COVID – 19 policies and updates and they are receiving very positive feedback.

Here are a couple of samples

One of the challenges many businesses now face is getting accustomed to a new way of working at a distance.

Face to face customer interaction is no longer a possibility.  So how do we continue to maintain strong customer and employee relationships?

Your email channel is now playing a huge role in helping us all connect and keeping everyone informed of updates as they happen. Parrot Digital wants to help your business in delivering these updates.

Parrot Digital would like to offer all our clients using Signature Starter a FREE 3- month upgrade to Rocketseeds Signature + Banner.

Signature + Banner means your company can insert a banner either in the header of your email or below your companies’ signature.

If you are interested or need some help with your messaging, please email our Marketing Team at .