
Every Click…

On Every Link…

On Every Email…

Analyzed And Reported…

Every Time.

Client Insights & Data

Email branding generates data giving insights into your business activity. Rocketseed email branding applies either push or pull sales messages to your employee emails seamlessly.  Target customers and new prospects with tailored messages.

Use banners to ask customers how they rate your products or services and respond to responses in real time, or which campaign your prospects/customers are interested in?

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Trackable ROI

Data that helps you adjust and justify email campaign expenditure.

Rocketseed prides itself on delivering great ROI for your email channel. We consult with organisations we work with to understand how they evaluate marketing effectiveness against their bottom line performance. Our consultation process helps us understand the position that email occupies in your marketing funnel, and helps us identify a value calculation for different interactions with email.

Talk to us today about calculating your email ROI.

A/B Testing Channel

Identify and deliver campaigns that work most effectively for your business.

Rocketseed will help optimise your banner designs, through our in-house experienced marketers, by tracking engagement levels on banners to indicate top performers.

A/B testing over a series of emails allows you to understand how your message, design and layout are effecting the conversion and engagement of your emails.

A/B Testing in email, offers you a cost effective way to trial marketing and branding concepts before roll-out into other more costly channels.

Integrates with Online Analytics

Compare automatically tagged email performance data with all your other inbound traffic channels in one view. Web Analytics are valuable and necessary tools for any business looking to drive and measure traffic.

Email branding helps you analyse the behaviour of your visitors and attribute specific revenue from emails sent by your employees.

Rocketseed tracking integrates with analytics tools, such as Google Analytics and Site Catalyst.  Compare the performance of your campaigns with other marketing initiatives.